
So I sprinkled 20 or 30 on the top of my machine concoction, closed the lid, paid the 7-11 guy, got in the car, drove home, chatted with T&B for a few minutes, got back in the car, started the engine, put on my seat belt, opened the lid, and took a sip. Crunch crunch crunch! What the....?! Is that my tooth? a little rock? could it be the Devil's Snack - a CornNut???? Alas, no, it was a marshmallow - still crunchy and solid after 20 minutes of soaking in the machine coffee fluid....crunch crunch....interesting concept, the marshmallow that won't melt...or soften. Hmmm....just something to think about...If anybody can come up with a name and a fresh marketing idea for these, let's talk. I think we can make some real $$$$ here.
I must be a glutton for punishment though, because everytime I buy machine coffee I think of the time in high school when Nancy got some machine hot chocolate from the school caf (excuse me, "The Commons") and found maggots floating in it! Eeeewww....
Goooood Mornin'!