Makin' That List!

Etsy is fantastic. I've done a good 37% of my shopping sittin' here on the couch, while coffee, cat and laptop keep me warm as I try and defuzz from last night's debauchery with Daximus, Guinness Girl and the boys. We were at The Sidecar. With our lips on a sidecar....(I just can't help myself with that line...)
At some point I will need to get my booty up and out of the house and head on over to Borders and Sephora for those gifts for those incredibly boring and uninspiring people you have to get a gift for but don't have a clue as to what the hell to get them. Worse comes to worst this year, and they're all getting Target giftcards. So waah.
Alright. Up and at 'em.
I'm muy impressed - as I have done no xmas shopping. Go you! Did you notice there's a scarf on etsy that is almost exactly like the muppet scarf Crazy Aunt Purl is making??? Rock on.
xoxo. Sidecar was great fun.
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