Don't Walk Away Oy Vey.
Such is the Story of My Life these days. I'm having a hard time finding the time and energy to blog (much less dress myself and brush my teeth in the morning) much less come up with anything remotely interesting or amusing to write about. I feel myself slowly slipping into another mini-albeit-still-exhausting Black Hole these days.
I'm so tired. And when I'm not tired I'm anxious. And when I'm not anxious I'm sleeping. Obviously this leaves little time for the Little Extras in Life right now. Between the antics of Mr. X, The Circus opening on Sundays (woo hoo! Now I get to hire extra help! and pay for extra electricity! and never get a real day off! woo hoo!), The House Debacle, and unsolicited advice from people on the previously mentioned topics, I am seriously running on empty. I'm so tired I don't even want to listen to my iPod anymore. That's pretty bad.
So instead of boring y'all with my negative whingey chi, I'd rather keep it to myself and not make it public forever on The Internets; I'm going on BlogHiatus for a while. Hopefully it won't be for too long because that would mean that I don't feel like bursting into tears during 50% of my waking day anymore! And I won't sound so goddamn pitiful.
Ugh. I'm so stopping right now. I'm disgusted with myself for even blathering about this in the first place. OK. Ten Four. Roger Roger. Over and Out.