So sorry to disappoint my faithful readers. I have been sick with The Plague for the past 5 days.
I have never been sick so much in all my life (except for that mono bout in eighth grade) as I have been this past year. I get a knock-'em-down cold/viral thingy about every 10 weeks at this point. Throw in some migraines, The Great Faint at the Eagles game, and a UTI to ring in the New Year (also enjoyed at an Eagles game) and I've probably been 100% up to snuff healthy for about 12 days over the last 365.
Not a good record.
And not that I know anything about this, but I really think
this Jeff Garcia thing is a dumb idea speaking of.
But I digress.
Anyway, just checking in. My life is really quite boring right now. No major drama, no turmoil, no moves forward with the divorce or The Canary, nor any encounters with interesting wackos. Just lots of paperwork and NyQuil at the moment.
Oh! But I did order t shirts for The Canary and they are coming on Friday! Maybe I can make a fortune selling the logo - like Von Dutch or Paul Frank or something.
Labels: canary, eagles, health