
Workworkwork. Murgmurgmurg.
Thank you to each and every one of you who've offered to help me out and make sure I'm okay. Clearly I'm erm, wicked stressed! right now and That Of Which Some of You Know About is exactly what I don't need right now. Thanks for cheering me on and assuring me that I am not a bitch nor am I crazy. Really I'm more pissed than anything else. Lesson learned!
Isn't that what life's all about anyway?
And thanks, SFG, for that copy of Coping With Difficult People. Ha! You're the best.
On the local news this evening, they were talking about some survey where 57% of women would give up sex for 15 months for a brand new wardrobe. I'm quite used to dressing sloppily and being covered in buttercream (as a work thing, not a sex thing, of course), so a new wardrobe? Baah! Boring! What say you, ladies?
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