W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> Moi, Toi, et VoI: Hissssssss!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Those of you in Philly are well aware of what's been going on at The Circus lately. Aw fuck it, I'll probably get found out if I write too much about it, but honestly I don't even give two hoots anymore at this point.

Long story short for those of you not in the know, The Duke of Sandwiches has been given 30 days notice to leave the Circus after months of refusing to sign a lease that had specific provisions in it that would require him to stay open until 6 pm (when The Circus closes) and to report sales figures. Currently many of the lunchtime merchants stay open until about 3 and are not required to report sales figures.

Anyway, I was the first merchant to sign this new lease almost two years ago. My lawyers looked over the lease, had no issues with it, so I signed it. Lately The Duke has been causing a hubbub about this new lease and many of the old school merchants have been rallying in his favor to keep him there. Mind you, The Duke's MO has been to cause hubbubs about lots of things and to generally be a pain in the ass to the management of The Circus.

Long story very very short, The Merchants Association sent around a petition for merchants to sign in favor of the Duke. I refused to sign basically because I had signed the lease that The Duke was fighting. Fifty-seven out of 76 merchants did sign the petition. I found out today that when The Duke looked at the petition he noticed that none of the women merchants had signed the petition. Not one. Five of the merchants out of 76 are female.

Apparently he said "Well, they're all ugly anyway."

And that is the trash that I put up with everyday. That is why the men at The Circus have no qualms about making disgusting comments, airbiting one's ass, or generally making asses of themselves over the tiny handful of women business owners who work there. This is a taste of what it's like working in the food industry.

I know I will have a very difficult time controlling my tongue the next time The Duke comes over to chitchat with me. I don't think I will be able to contain myself. I think I will have to say something. Something.




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