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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pug Life.

Yesterday SFG and I went to a Pug Meetup at the dog run at Schuylkill River Park. There must have been 25 pugs cavorting. No barking, just a backdrop of snorting as the dogs ran around the small dog run while their mommies and daddies talked about them like they were at a PTA meeting in the park. The vast majority of dogs had human names, which made it all the more interesting.

We are sold on the pug. They were such friendly creatures! So cute, so quiet, relatively low energy, just happy l'il effers looking for human affection. And they are easily portable. We are putting in our application to the Pennsylvania pug rescue association so we can find ourselves a nice puppy/young adult without crazy health problems to adopt. I would like to say I'd only rescue, but we are also checking out responsible breeders.

My dream would be to find the perfect pug before Pugoween. I don't think I need to describe that to y'all. Oh the possibilities.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's hilarious. Do you read Jonniker? She has a pug, too!

Also, the first boy I ever kissed had a pug.

9/18/2008 5:41 PM  

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