I've Saved You All Five Minutes of Dullness.

For the first time in the history of this blog, I deleted a post. Last night, I wrote a very long winded, whingey tale about my day. It wasn't that bad of a day, really...it started out with a therapy session, followed by a good amount of time spent picking out equipment for the bakery, followed by a massage...
Usually I will reread my posts right after publishing to double and triple check for spelling and general clarity and smoothness. But I didn't want to read this post again and I figured if I didn't - and I am such dynamic subject - then nobody else would either. So I scrapped it. It was just plain old boring. Period.
My blog has taken different tones during different times. For a long time it was very news-oriented and political, but of late it's gotten a little more personal as I start the next major steps in my life. I've realized that a blog is a great tool to just get *it* out of my head, onto the internets and if they choose, friends and non-friends can read about the minutiae of my daily existence. It's up to them, but it's out there.
I've also been talking a bit about depression lately. Here's an interesting study I found on mild dysphoria...
Anyhoo, I've just woken up, I'm a little groggy as I've gotten minimal amounts of sleep over the past few weeks and haven't had my I.V. drip of Diet Coke yet, so I will stop waxing poetic (ha ha HA.) and begin my day. I just needed to cop to the fact to y'all of my deed of deletion.
Very interesting article, indeed...although I must admit I'm more intrigued by the link to an article which is, apparently, about depressed hamsters.
Are you kidding me? Hamsters get depressed? I have to just say for the record that my friend T-Bone had the BEST, happiest, un-depressed hamster in the world. Hamski, R.I.P.
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