Cute as a Button, F%^$%^face!

I got a manipedi on Friday. I usually only get the pedi (an absolute necessity), but my hands looked like I had soaked them in lye and then practiced arpeggios on a cheesegrater so I thought it would be prudent to get them cleaned up. Not sure what I was thinking (maybe it was because I was in New Jersey), but I went for a nauseating metallic bubblegum pink for my fingers. I'm feeling very self conscious about them now. I never wear nail polish because of work - and because my nails always end up looking ratty within 24 hours anyway. So, my new girlie paws plus my new very adorable toile/gingham/maribou handbag is giving off a sickeningly sweet air of cutie pie, babyface, Gidget. Ugh. I've got to stop ordering from Boden too - but that warbride retro inspired stuff is just too fuckin' cute. I just can't help myself.
The only mitigating factor is that I spent most of the weekend reading back issues of Esquire.
Even with the boobs, I know I'll never have that sexpot look and I'm cool with that. But I wear "cute" ironically, people. Just wait til I pull out my genuine CPD leather jacket when it gets cold enough. ...And my pink cashmere gloves (PSYCH!).
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