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Friday, September 26, 2008

Ernie Go Bark.

Sorry I haven't had a chance to actually write about Ernie rather than just post those adorable pix. SFG is out of town and I am here with the new dog and work blagh blagh blagh. So here goes!

Ernie was picked up by Philly Animal Control sometime last week and brought to the Last Chance Ranch (my mom says that is the saddest name she's ever heard). Fortunately pugs are in pretty high demand so they don't stay in the shelter system for long!

Anyway, we got a notification on Adopt-a-Pet.com that there was a pug named KoolJo was available. Adopt-a-Pet is great because they'll tell you as soon as a pet that fits your criteria is listed on Petfinder so you have a leg up on getting your rescue application in.

So we applied on Friday and got him on Monday, thanks to Dax, who gave us a great reference (that's a mitzvah, lady! thank you!). Even though SFG was completely sold on the name, KoolJo was quickly changed to Ernie - Ernesto KoolJo Fantastic [SFG's last name because I'm traditional like that].

Yes, Ernie snorts and snores and flings boogers everywhere. And he has an intense love for trashcans. As well, he also loves people, completely ignores cats, has the biggest, bulgiest eyes I have ever seen, and is just wicked wicked cute. Especially in his camo raincoat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must meet him!!!

9/29/2008 2:36 PM  

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