W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> Moi, Toi, et VoI: "He better not be gross".

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"He better not be gross".

- Rasputina on new Match.com guy!

Wow. Someone normal wrote to me. And he's smart and funny as all hell. I heretofore christen him Smart Funny Guy (SFG) for the time being!

Apparently he liked my tag line: Snarky Cupcake Wench Seeks Tolerant Soul.

We've exchanged several emails over the course of the past couple of days. I woke up at 6 this morning and there was a message from him and I swear to you I was laughing out loud. At 6 A.M.!

I told him in my first message that Rasputina, my baker, screened all Match messages. So he wrote to both of us. Rasputina has determined that she's 'half in love with this guy already'. He's been approved by everyone I've sent his data to...So far so good with SFG. We. Will. See.

Back to the Future Moment: OK, so if perchance there's something to this, then eventually SFG would be given The URL to the Blog. Fear not: a three-snog minimum is required for access into the internal workings of Oy Vey. But shite, wouldn't it be cute if SFG read this? And saw that his nick was SFG (which I'm sure would be changed by that time anyway...). Fear fear not, people: I'm not getting my hopes up. Too much or anything. But hell, if he does get to read this, then things are good, and if he never does, then no loss for a wee bit of honesty, right?

So, plans: he's on vacation for the next two weeks. Then We. Will. See....Stay tuned. OK, off to finally get to reading that Bruce Hornsby book I've claimed to have been reading for the past month....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You only need one decent guy off of Match.

The rest are just blog fodder.

8/03/2006 11:23 AM  
Blogger Lisa Raps said...

sounds good, so hope you luck out with sfg. hope he is not a crazy like the rest of those match freaks!

8/04/2006 9:55 PM  

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