I May Just Have Been Fired.

Good stuff, that Brook-laddie! It's not the 15 2nd Edition that I have been coveting, as this is Pennsylvania, and getting good liquor requires going to scary parts of town and buying it out of the back of a van (or going to Delaware, but that's hardly as sexy), but wow! I'm totally in love with this Scotch! It's fruity, dare I say almost Riesling-like? But not as sugary, of course. It's not your typical Islay, but damn, I. Am. Lovin'. This. Stuff.
Can I be the Bruichladdich Girl?
Happy Birthday Wilman!
If you managed to spell Brichladdich properly, I don't imagine the rest could've gone too badly.
Unlike this comment which I'm writing lying on the couch and not doing very well.
I want some Scotch dammit. 'Cept I guess someone would take my children away from me as it is only 3pm.
Damn, that's a little bit sexy. I'm still a wine girl... and I'm sorry to say, if given the choice, chardonnay. Am I ready for scotch?!?
red: do it, do it. good stuff, the scotch is. i swear it. if you start with the bruidladdich, i swear you'll be addicted...*if that's a good or bad thing is up to you....
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