Testing Testing 1 2 3...

The only problem was that before the deliveryman was even out the door, the kitties started scratching on our beautiful brand new "Dooley Sage" couch. The immediate prescription was Soft Paws - the best invention since Fat Free Pringles. This is Sophie modeling her fresh new mani. The other two are next but will require a little more man power....
Am I alive? Awake?
Today was the first of 2 day long days of the ServeSafe Food Sanitation course that I must take in order to run The Bejeweled Goose Cupcake Factory*. I swear I slept with my eyes open. But then every once in a while the instructor would tell A Story. Generally an awful story about 85 people getting terribly ill after eating the scallions at ChiChi's (And no, there are no more ChiChi's to speak of these days) or the tomatoes at Longhorne. You don't want to know. REALLY.
And I was sorely disappointed by the box of Swedish Fish I bought to get me over that 3:30 hump: It was all red fish save for two yellow fish and no green or orange fish. WTF? The green are the absolute best. I mean, I know that the red ones have the majority vote, but only 2 yellows and no representatives of the lime and orange parties? This might deserve a letter to the Swedish Fish Quality Control Board.
I went to an arcade several months again with a couple of my friends, because we're eight years old, apparently, and one of the prizes for kicking ass at skee ball was a single wrapped Swedish fish, which was so depressing I could've just died right there, tokens in hand.
My boys have tried the Soft Paws. Both enjoyed chewing them off and spitting them out in random places about the house. I hope you have better luck!
Sophie's down to 6 now. She's the best one. The other two are like your boys. they actually walked funny with them on. Sophie doesn't seem to mind them. They fall off when she starts scratching on her Alpine Scratcher. Nice job, Soft Paws!
Red: that is beyond sucking. That's not a childhood memory; that's a mental scar.
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