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Monday, March 09, 2009

I Have Survived.

The Flower Show is over!

Every year, Philly and The Circus is bombarded by busloads of middle aged suburban women who come into Center City (hang tight to your handbags!) to attend the annual Philadelphia Flower Show, supposedly the biggest, most extravagant flower show in the world.

For eight days straight, The Circus is an absolute zoo. It is so crowded that the Circus regulars avoid the joint, so for the meat and produce shopkeepers, it's a wash, but for those of us who sell prepared food, candy, cupcakes, and other high calorie, 'luxury' items, it is a gold rush. You can make in one week what you normally make in a month. It is amazing. And exhausting.

Those Red Hat Society ladies know just how to push one's buttons:

"Is it fresh?"
"Is it fresh?"
"What's your favorite?...umm, no...I want the..."
"Is the coffee fresh?"
"Can you cut this brownie in six?"
"Half decaf, half regular, 3 splendas and skim milk."
"Is it fresh?"
"I need four forks and knives to share our cupcake."

And let me tell you, middle aged suburban females are not healthy tippers.

But we Canary-ites have survived and are all the stronger for it. Hurrah!


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