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Monday, November 24, 2008

Tool of Fright.

Over the course of a couple of nights, we caught Ernie peeing in our bedroom in the middle of the night. He's also developed a nasty habit of peeing on my clothes on the floor (Lesson learned, Mom!), so we got this handy dandy little gadget, the Urine Finder, a blacklight designed to detect invisible urine stains by making them glow in the dark.

OhMyGod. Oh The Horror. The Horror. When we shut off the lights and turned that thing on, it looked like a freakin' rave in there. Pee stains EVERYWHERE. He is damn lucky he is cute. Damn lucky.

(It's my guess that the makers of the product originally had intended for it to be called 'Piss Off'. It's a little catchier, dontchathink?)


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