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Monday, November 10, 2008

It's All In My Mind.

Ok, this is why I truly do love America, no matter how much I trash the Roy Rogers' set or people who like block cheese or Philadelphia. Or NASCAR or Matthew McConaughey or area codes that aren't a combination of 3, 2, and 1 in some form or fashion. Because no matter where you go, whether it be an Appalacian yurt made of Mr. Spaghettio tins and Spam to a luxury Malibu condo/set for an MTV reality show, there is no other place on this Earth where you can a) put your cat on Elavil because of your new dog b) whom you are taking to a animal behaviorist to correct his separation anxiety caused by his previous life as the pet of a pimp's girlfriend. Or daughter.*

*If you want the details of why we reached this conclusion, please email.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine a reader alive who wouldn't want more details. Please dish!

11/12/2008 9:00 PM  
Blogger Shana Maidel said...

i must know...please email the sordid details.

11/13/2008 10:19 AM  

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