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Monday, March 31, 2008

OMG I am so Boring I Can Hardly Stand Myself.

My blogging skills are getting rusty with these mega-hiatuses I have been taking lately. But I've been swamped and am plagued with typhoid/dystentery/tb - something that has been making me cough incessantly for the past two weeks. SFG says I should go to the doctor. I figure I'll give it another week before I succomb to such sage advice.

I'll bullet point for brevity's sake.

  • I'm heading off to Hotlanta for a Dessert Con next week, which should be fun.
  • I am seriously considering some stuff for my cat. Thanks Martha! Molly specifically says Thanks A Lot, Martha.
  • SFG and I are going out for Afghan food tonight.
  • Madame Mimolette and I have combined our talents for a cheese/wine pairing at Anthropologie for First Friday this week. You should stop by and sample our wares.
If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.


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