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Monday, February 25, 2008

Yes Fucking Way.

I am driving to New York at 6 am and hand delivering a fine selection of cupcakes and bars to the studio of The Arthamay Ewartstay Show tomorrow.

Rapustina and I spent pretty much the entire day making perfect cupcakes (including lemon peel and spumoni, both of which she is particularly interested) and cutting and selecting perfect brownies and bars. Rasputina made four batches of buttercream until we had the absolutely perfect shiny white batch.

"This one or this one?"
"If we move that marshmallow a little to the left it'll be perfect."
"This one or that one?"
"That M&M is kind of crushed but the potato chip looks good."
"I think she'll like the pina colada."
"Yes, put it next to the peanut butter for good contrast."

It was certifiably insane on our parts, but we're talking about impressing Arthamay Ewartstay here. No amount of fastidious obsession to detail is too much.

I am wearing my tweed pencil skirt and yellow and grey argyle sweater.

Wish me luck!


Blogger Stefanie said...

You will tell us when this airs, right? I am the least cooky and domestic type I know, but I do catch Martha on occasion when I go to the gym over lunch. Keep us posted!

2/25/2008 10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you and can't wait for details!! -peoplecat

2/25/2008 10:22 PM  
Blogger Martha Craig said...

I cannot believe it is really happening! How amazing. Good luck, but do remember to tell her that the ORIGINAL Martha is in NZ.

2/26/2008 3:08 AM  
Blogger Shana Maidel said...

i wore my yellow and grey argyle sweater today too--creepy! twins yet again.....

any feedback yet?

2/26/2008 7:23 PM  
Blogger stinkypaw said...


3/16/2008 5:04 PM  

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