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Monday, February 04, 2008

Everything But The.

After two years of talking about this brownie that was swirling around in my evil genius mind, it has finally come to fruition.

Introducing....The Kitchen Sink Brownie a/k/a The Couch Cushion Brownie a/k/a The PMS Brownie a/k/a The Munchies Brownie.

Our delicious brownie jam packed with

Whole Oreos
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Animal Crackers
and Potato Chips

Sellin' like hot cakes. This is Philly, baby.

Will post a pic once I remember to bring my camera to work.


Blogger RJ said...

throw some choco-syrup on it

2/05/2008 9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got some serious takers on this brownie. Any chance we can work out a deal? I didn't cut up MY credit card! Name your price, sistah!


2/05/2008 10:29 PM  

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