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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Little Trouble, Big Chinatown.

Yesterday I went to New York to have lunch with Shana Maidel, whom I haven't seen in like a million years!

I took the Chinatown Bus which is always an adventure. For those of you other-than-East Coasters, the Chinatown Bus is a cheap albeit slightly unreliable mode of transport between the Chinatowns of Boston, New York, Philly, and DC. For only $20 roundtrip you can be ferried between Philly Race Street and New York East Broadway at your own peril. But for $20! Hell!

I mean, geez, the bus only got pulled over once for doing 75 in a 55 zone on the Jersey Turnpike. The driver thought it was hysterical! Ha! A comedy of errors!

Upon our early arrival, I trotted up to SoHo and met Shana Maidel at Balthazar for a most lovely lunch of French Onion Soup and the Balthazar Salad. Not to mention the two glasses of hermitage that I had. (One for me, and one for Shana Maidel who is up the stick! Mazel Tov!) We looked like the co-chairwomen of Argyle Lovers of America because we both were wearing our j.Crew argyle sweaters.

However, we narrowly avoided looking like two escapees from a Scottish sanitarium. When I was getting dressed that morning, I grabbed my yellow and grey argyle v neck and then changed my mind and put on the blue argyle cardigan, which was a small miracle because Shana Maidel happened to be wearing the grey and yellow argyle v neck. We averted disaster. Phew.

We discussed a myriad topics: divorce, babies, mortgages. We are so in our thirties.

And then I walked back to deep Chinatown and hopped on the bus back to Philly. There was an incident on the bus involving people screaming at each other in a Chinese dialect and a man being physically thrown off the bus. But whatever. $20!


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