If You See Him Tell Him I Don't Want the $2 Back.

Well, if you do, you must go out and immediately buy the re-released Reviewing the Situation. Originally recorded in 1969, the album didn't mesh with Sandie's Puppet on a String/Monsieur Dupont shtick and thus was a big time flopola way back when (well before yours truly was but a speck in the Universe's eye....). It gathered dust until some popgeek recently rediscovered this totally awesome album of covers of some of the stuff SS was actually listening to at the time....
Sandie does same great stuff: Reviewing the Situation, Love Me Do and Sympathy for the Devil are my favorites. It's got some Hair-esque qualities to it, so if that was one of your faves as a kid (as it was for me and Daximus I know), you'll dig the total grooviness, baby. And it comes with Frank Mills as a bonus track! Bonus is right!
Thanks popjunkie via Glasgow.
Ooh! I want one!
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