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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

They Can Take Our Teeth, But They Can Never Take Our Freedom!

The deed is done.

Prices have been upped a quarter on most items. The document has been sent to my web guy for updating. Tomorrow I will make new copies of the menu and leave them on the countertop. Quietly.

Clearly I am terrified by the potential backlash. The rioting, the picketing, the editorials in Inky.

PeopleCat, Elizabeth et al have agreed that I need to up the ante. It is time. Even my accountant thought it was insane I hadn't raised my prices in two years. So it will be.

The first round in my Cereal Bar Experiment was a disaster. Who would have thought that cereal melts. I folded in the five cereals into some white chocolate brownie batter hoping for a colorful, crunchy extravaganza and ended up with a single layer of white stuff with a very plasticy mouthfeel. Frightening really.

Round Two, however, produced a much better effect. This time I forsook baking the concoction altogether and spawned The Forbidden Bar: a rice crispy treaty type thingy made with five sugary cereals your mom never let you had. And the whole thing is held together by marshmallow goo. It's a tooth rotter's paradise, a dentist's dream. It's so damn sweet it makes my teeth positively ache just thinking about it. It still needs a little tweaking. I'll keep you posted...if the crazed masses don't kill me first.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That does read sweetly delicious!

5/16/2008 6:37 PM  

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