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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Every Painful Detail.

I've been such a social butterfly lately I've no time to blog!

Last Wednesday, Lara, Christine, A (does she have a blogname? I don't know!) and I went to Lolita for a nice catch up dinner. Excellent convo, excellent food, and Lara was thoughtful enough to bring a bottle of the bubbly to celebrate The Divorce. Yay! We had so much fun, in fact, that we've decided to form a BYOB Club, on which every second Tuesday of the month we will go to a different BYOB. How fun is that?! Anybody like to join us?

Friday, SFG took me to Marigold Kitchen to celebrate said Divorce and we had a lovely dinner. The grits and shrimp were crazy good. A little awkward when our server turned out to be ex-girlfriend of person I know at The Circus, but she did warn me the Orange Blossom Cake sucked. So I didn't order it.

Saturday, we went to Umbria with SFG's parents. Excellent meaty dinner, though the portions were way too big. Tasty though.

Sunday night we met SFG's cousin (who also owns a bakery - but it's not a bakery bakery because he buys at least 65% of what he sells in his cases but he makes way more money than I do but whatever what do I know?) and his new belle at Positano Coast.

Actually, 'belle' is a bit of a misnomer. You know how much I hate being catty, but this chick is filthy. So filthy that she a) admitted that she doesn't wear underwear when she's wearing a (very short) dress the first hour we met her and b) flashed her underwear-less ass at us while she was barely bending over the barbeque yesterday. And then Baker Cousin mentioned that she was also on the rag! Eww!! I sat in that chair! Eww. Eww. Ewww.

I can't believe I just told you that story.

I am thinking of going laser brazilian.

Stupid Circus Manager neglected to mention our Best of Philly thingy to the Circus inhabitants and is now seriously avoiding me like the plague since last week's Oreo incident. And now this. So in defiance this morning, I plunked down a tray of chocolate chip cookies right on the counter. For Sale Byotch. Fo Sho.

A wee birdy told me that the Canary is going to be in Philly Mag's Best Of this Year. Woo Hoo! That always generates some good biz. Mama likey!

And for the dog people out there, it looks like we're going Boston Terrier. Ideally a rescue situation as long as the dog isn't too old or too mental. Lemme know if you find him.

My blog posts are generally more entertaining when I drink.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee - I love drunk blog posts! I LOVE BYOC, too. You are brilly, my dear. And I am dying over the story of the "belle". Ick! I would like to go laser EVERYTHING. And good for you for defiantly selling chocolate chip cookies. heh. I think you should work on perfecting the white chocolate macadamia nut cookie, as it is my favorite. And yay Boston Terrier! Chester can't wait to play with him! And, lastly, a big fat WOO to the HOO for the Best Of Philly Mag! You rock.

Oh, and PS, I just call A Alice on my blog.

5/28/2008 10:48 AM  

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