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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Drunken Post #427

Just got back from my last wine class. Passed the test! Yay! We were given four wines to do a blind taste test - identify the varietal and country of origin. Got 3 out of 4 correct except for the last one (it was a cab sav, not a shiraz as I thought). So on to the next level, which probably won't be until after I get back from The Trip in January but at least I feel I can walk into a PA Liquor Store and snub 98% of the stock with confidence.

And in Canary news:

1. We got our trademark! Yay! The Canary is now officially licensed and registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office. Now we can sue anyone who tries to use our name! Hurrah!

2. PW is doing their holiday guide on all things CUTE. And The Canary's cupcakes are featured because they are SO DAMN CUTE they make your teeth MELT. Photographers came yesterday to do the shoot. BUT I when I was interviewed for the piece I admit I was a little flustered...and ohh...I mentioned 9/11...oh how I hope they don't use that quote because I really didn't want to use it but it just came out of my mouth because damn I was there that day so it feels like it was yesterday anyway not seven years ago and what I really meant to say was Iraq, not 9/11, but jesuschrist this is a Christmas issue not freaking Mother Jones what was I thinking DAMN I am horrible with these interviews god just please make me mute and possibly deaf to avoid any and all confusion because I should not ever be allowed to make statements that go on record of any kind and oh god I hope they don't quote me verbatim fuck.

3. Cantankerous Canary cupcakes - as mentioned in this month's edition of Better Homes and Gardens- are flying off the shelves thankyou and goodnight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll have to look for BH&G's November issue.

How are your ghosties doing?

11/02/2007 5:10 PM  

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