Comatose Sunday

Utter garbage. It was fabulous.
Me + the tee vee + grocery store sushi + Lagavulin + a mountain of dirty laundry = A Blissful Sunday.
kvetch:(kvch) Slang intr.v. kvetched, kvetch·ing, kvetch·es To complain persistently and whiningly. n. 1. A chronic, whining complainer. 2. A nagging complaint: "a rambling kvetch against the system" Leonard Ross. [Yiddish kvetshn, to squeeze, complain, from Middle High German quetzen, quetschen, to squeeze.]
On the recommendation of a fan (of the show, not of me), Tivo has been set for Project Runway reruns.
I am very excited.
whinger: PR is fanfrickintastic. These people actually have a *skill* - quite unusual for the reality tv thing.
pc: Oops! my bad! slap me upside the head, please?!
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