Back to Business
OK. I've been busy. Sorry. I'll just plug away at the various things that have been going on.
1. JAYLA over Lisa? I know it's going on a week at this point, but I still can't believe it. I am no fan of Lisa, but at least her pix were always strong. Regardless of whether she's an alki or likes to pee in adult diapers, she's still a great model. Jayla, on the other hand, while cute in a Furbie sort of way, has consistently been very weak in her shoots. Same expression every single week. And she's a bitch. Lisa's not a bitch. She's just obnoxious. They really didn't give the real reason why she got the axe, but I'd venture to guess that her glug-glug-glugging was probably part of it. After all, supermodels are supposed to be straight-edge Mormon types, right? RIGHT?
2. What's been keeping me from the blog hasn't been Friendster, like you'd think, but actually, I've been working on my business plan. Ugh. I am just way too right-brained for this shit. The fluff parts of it are fine - the concept, the marketing, the location, all the fun stuff was totally cruisin'. It's the financials part that sent me to a screeching halt. Granted, I know the difference between a stock and a bond ("muni"!), that you should buy low and sell high, and that I shoulda invested in Apple back in 1985. But sales projections? Profits and Loss sheets? Break-even Analysis? How the fuck should I know? I'm not psychic and besides, I went to Sarah Lawrence for chrissake (that one year will shrivel your left brain like a prune, er, dried plum)!
3. The furnace is broken. The guy's been here 4 times to fix it to no avail. Now they're saying they might have to rip up my brand spanking new bamboo floor and tear my kitchen apart to fix it. Better that than catsicles, I guess. ARGH. But I'm not stressin', nosireebob.
4. I made the horrific mistake of buying a box of hair color from the CVS and now I look like an Irish Setter. That's what I get for procrastinating making a hair appointment and just letting the professionals do it. The grays were driving me to drink!
5. If I think of any more, I'll letya you. But for now, stick a fork in me. I am DONE. I need to go stand by the oven to warm up my tootsies.
1. JAYLA over Lisa? I know it's going on a week at this point, but I still can't believe it. I am no fan of Lisa, but at least her pix were always strong. Regardless of whether she's an alki or likes to pee in adult diapers, she's still a great model. Jayla, on the other hand, while cute in a Furbie sort of way, has consistently been very weak in her shoots. Same expression every single week. And she's a bitch. Lisa's not a bitch. She's just obnoxious. They really didn't give the real reason why she got the axe, but I'd venture to guess that her glug-glug-glugging was probably part of it. After all, supermodels are supposed to be straight-edge Mormon types, right? RIGHT?
2. What's been keeping me from the blog hasn't been Friendster, like you'd think, but actually, I've been working on my business plan. Ugh. I am just way too right-brained for this shit. The fluff parts of it are fine - the concept, the marketing, the location, all the fun stuff was totally cruisin'. It's the financials part that sent me to a screeching halt. Granted, I know the difference between a stock and a bond ("muni"!), that you should buy low and sell high, and that I shoulda invested in Apple back in 1985. But sales projections? Profits and Loss sheets? Break-even Analysis? How the fuck should I know? I'm not psychic and besides, I went to Sarah Lawrence for chrissake (that one year will shrivel your left brain like a prune, er, dried plum)!
3. The furnace is broken. The guy's been here 4 times to fix it to no avail. Now they're saying they might have to rip up my brand spanking new bamboo floor and tear my kitchen apart to fix it. Better that than catsicles, I guess. ARGH. But I'm not stressin', nosireebob.
4. I made the horrific mistake of buying a box of hair color from the CVS and now I look like an Irish Setter. That's what I get for procrastinating making a hair appointment and just letting the professionals do it. The grays were driving me to drink!
5. If I think of any more, I'll letya you. But for now, stick a fork in me. I am DONE. I need to go stand by the oven to warm up my tootsies.
1. totally agree about Jayla. I do not get what is appealing about her, and at least Lisa had a personality and was interesting looking. I hear that the problem was people thought she looked to old. Whatevah!
2. Laughed out loud at the Irish Setter comment. Looking forward to seeing it. Woof.
3. Did you at least break from the business plan long enough to catch Oprah's Favorite Things episode?
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