Happy New Year: It's the Year of the Dog.

No kidding. Really.
I thought it would be a nice change of pace to make a list of the things that I would like to see other people resolve to work on over the course of 2006. Yeah, I could make up the usual list for myself: drink more water, less wine (thanks Aunt Purl and Guinness Girl), exercise, tithe, be more patient, be more buddha-like, blagh blagh yada yada etc. etc., but how much more fun to find resolutions for others! We can all help each other out! Feel free to add your own....
1. Shop Clerks: Do not call me ma'am. Ever. Not even if you're Southern or don't speak English that well.
2. Grocery Store Cashiers: After you add up my tab, run my credit card and then bag. Don't wait for the damn thing to go through whilst you twiddle your thumbs and then start to pack my stuff after I sign. I wanna getthehellouttathere.
3. Citizens of G-Ho: If you're going to let your cats roam the city streets, at the very least, collar them. Nobody likes reading those cat threads on phillyblog.
4. Citizens of G-Ho: Keep your asscracks off the bar stools please.
5. City of Philadelphia: Get rid of the Business Privilege Tax, you morons. This city functions in spite of you, Street.
6. Philadelphia Cab Companies: Light On = Empty; Light Off = Occupied.
7. You All Know Who You Are: Stop taking pride in the fact that you pay .47 cents for a whole album on allmp3.ru. It's totally uncool. At least be discrete about it.
8. Joe Pernice: Get yourself a new marketing manager. I know you've gotta make money and all (see Resolution #6....), but you live in Canada so everything should be a little bit cheaper anyway. You're still awesome! See you in Northampton!
This is a running list....Oy, I need a Motrin.
And a special welcome to Toscana, Florence....please tell us a little bit about yourself....
Ha! Fabulous concept: resolutions for others! Love it!
And - Toscana, Florence is from my blog! I always thought he/she was a friend of YOURS!
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