Fairytale of New York

Back from The City I am. Here are the cliffnotes:
1. Bojack and I were walking down Greenwich Ave near Two Boots. Bojack spotted a shortish wavy haired dude with mirror wrap-arounds walking across 1oth.
"Hey, that guy looks like Adam, that guy opening The Sidecar."
"Doof! That's Michael Imperioli!"
You know The Sopranos has been off the air for too long when someone would confuse Christahphah, World's Most Famous Dogsitter, for your neighbor who's opening a bar down the street. And for the record, they look nothing like each other.
2. Uncle who is in real-life "CTU" gave me the pin pictured above - supposed to be a morale booster for the agents. It says "We Got Him! 13 December 2003". I thought about wearing it on my handbag next to my anti-Santorum pin but thought the irony would go over people's heads.
3. Saw another scary bumper sticker on the Turnpike: "If Mary had an Abortion there would be no Christmas!" Also on this vee-hicle was a HUGE Sacred Heart. I'm talking LP sleeve sized. Short catechism lesson for non-Catholics: The Sacred Heart is about the most frightening image a small Catholic child will ever see. It is a picture of Jesus - usually looking rather forlorn and depressed like he just lost his puppy - with a heart sticking out of his robe. And when I say 'heart' I'm not talking about the 'I [heart] NYC' type. I mean a human heart, with ventricles and arteries. And the heart is surrounded by a crown of thorns (looks like barbed wire) and is generally ensconced in a halo. Any seven year old Catholic school brat is all too familiar with this terrifying neuro-circuitry altering picture. Somehow it's supposed to be comforting, but I just don't friggin get it. Never have, never will. Go google it for yourselves. I don't even want to look at it.
4. How 'bout a rousing rendition of Auld Lang Syne: Happy 5766!
# 2 is totally on point. Do it.
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