Trolling Craigslist with Some Serious Antibiotics

PAPERstreet is a Philadelphia based event marketing and 22nd Century Creative agency. We do things that people like. A lot.
We're looking for an amazing person that will be able to charm the pants off of really important people that have lots of money. Interntaional travel is required. You might even have to "take one for the team"... if you catch our drift. Things have a tendency to get weird over here.
Must look amazing in a short skirt or, if you happen to be a guy, must have lots of friends that look amzaing in short skirts.
Please no resumes. Instead send us a haiku (standard format) about why you should be part of the team.
No fatties.
As much as I hate to say it, this seems like a poor man's Philebrity. At least they can spell. And are willing to consider haikus in alternative formats.
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